The Blinds Company

Brackley Window Blinds

Blinds do much more than cover a window to block the sun, they can transform a room. With a vast array of blinds, you're sure to find something you love. We know that roman, wooden and vertical blinds are probably among the most well-liked choices, there are plenty of other options to discover. Select a style below to start the adventure.

You will love the blinds from our blind suppliers. Great affordable prices, and a reliable quality standard you can trust.The best type of blind really depends on your need so select one of the images above.

In our experience youngsters always sleep better in a darkened room, so blackout blinds can be the perfect solution. Worth adding - if you are measuring your own windows make sure that you use a metal tape as the cloth based tapes can stretch and show inaccurate results.

Bring new life to your windows – make your Brackley property the envy of all. Whether you have bay windows, double glazing, casement windows or just the run of the mill windows, we can find a product for you. If you want to make your life a little easier should take a look at our motorised range.


Window Blinds Brackley

Fast Delivery

Let us take care of delivering your product. Your requirements will be sent to production as soon as you confirm the style and size. Your order will soon be delivered to your house.

So much choice for your home or office in Brackley. Click on an image to find out more. If you don't see the type of product you need, then just click on the closest product image to find your way to the blinds that are exactly right for you. Brackley locals find our products much easier to use and maintain than heavy curtains. We're glad you stopped by – as you can probably tell, we're passionate about window shades and blinds.

Self-installation is not particularly challenging but pay attention to the instructions! There are two common ways to install - on the outside of the frame or the inside. Seriously, it's not so hard. But make sure that you order the right size beforehand.

A wide range of stylish window blinds in Brackley

Window blinds can transform any room. Just look around and you'll see the difference in the buildings in Brackley. If we can, we'll help you find a window blind sale, and if we can't, you can be sure that the products are already as cheap as they can be.