The Blinds Company

Basildon Window Blinds

Blinds are a quick and easy way to give an old room a new and rejuvenated feel. It's definitely becoming very fashionable to fit blinds in Basildon. Blinds have remained a contemporary and modern covering for windows for some time now, although some styles become more popular over time. Impress your neighbors with the most affordable enchancement to your home.

With so many home improvement shows, it's clear that people value having a visually appealing house. We all appreciate it when visitors say your room is lovely. We are here to transform your room - just add window blinds. Trust us... we're professionals!

It's important that when you install your blinds you consider the safety aspect of the cord. If you have children in the house then you should have a tie system that keeps the cord out of reach. One quick thing to add, we like to use blackout blinds in bedrooms, but not for other rooms where we really only want privacy vs darkness.

Don't forget - our blinds can increase the privacy and security of your home, as they can be adjusted to block the view into your space from the outside. In spring, many people start to do spring cleaning and home renovation projects. Adding new window blinds can be a quick and easy way to update the look and feel of your space, and it can also help to improve the energy efficiency of your home.


Window Blinds Basildon

Fast Delivery

Have your blinds delivered directly to you. Your requirements will be sent to production as soon as you confirm the style and dimensions. Expect your order to arrive at your door in a timely fashion.

Self-installation is not particularly challenging but always measure carefully. You can face-fix which means they sit outside of the window recess and block out more light, or top fix which is the opposite - they sit within the recess to create a closer fit. We very rarely hear people messing up the process - just make sure you measure carefully and order the specific size.

We believe we offer the best choice of blinds for Basildon customers. If you don't see the type of product you need, then just click on the closest product image to find your way to the blinds that are exactly right for you. Basildon locals find our products much easier to use and maintain than heavy curtains. As you can see, we really enjoy discussing, writing about, and even raving about window shades and blinds.

Blinds for windows at all prices in Basildon

So many ways to dress your windows, and give your home a contemporary look in Basildon. We know the world is very competitive not just on quality, but price. Hopefully we can find a great deal for you (or a sale!). With more and more pressure on your pocket we try our best to offer the best prices every day so you should be very happy with both the product and the price!