The Blinds Company

Banbridge Window Blinds

Every day more people are moving from old fashioned curtains to contemporary blind solutions to cover their windows. We have a great love of window blinds and we value our customers in Banbridge just as much. Our recommended solutions include a number of 'off the shelf' products, as well as those made to your exact measurements. Installation is quick and easy, and they are sharply priced.

Window blinds are usually closed by pulling a cord, although sometimes they can be motorised with the controls either on the wall, on a remote or sometimes even on a computer. These are more common for blinds that are hard to access. Velux blinds are stylish and high quality. It's important to look after your blinds to ensure they have a long life. However, it doesn't take a lot of effort to do so. Solid blinds just need a damp cloth wipe, and material blinds are best if they are dry cleaned (as long as it says that's ok on the instructions!).

Home upgrades can increase the value of your home and improve its functionality. By making eco-friendly upgrades to your home, you can also save money on your monthly bills in the long term. Window blinds are a cost-effective way to update the look and efficiency of your home.

If your blinds have a cord or chain with a loop, please ensure that this is out of reach of any children who may accidentally get caught up and injure themselves. Professional fitters are now obliged by law to restrict the length of cords and chains for this very reason. One quick thing to add, these days you can even buy motorised blinds for wooden shutters and external blinds to ease the operation, especially if the householder has restricted movement.


Window Blinds Banbridge

Popular Blinds

1. Venetian Blinds
2. Roller Blinds
3. Day/Night Blinds
4. Vertical Blinds
5. Wooden Blinds

When putting up blinds, pay attention to the instructions! If you want to minimise light, you should install the blinds outside the frames, overlapping. Don't rush. You'll be fine.

The difference window blinds can make in any room is clear – just look at the houses around you in Banbridge. The prices are already very competitive, but sometimes there are significant discounts and sales. Click on a product to find out more.

Top-quality window blinds in Banbridge

If you are buying made to measure blinds in Banbridge click on one of the images above. If you don't see the type of product you need, then just click on the closest product image to find your way to the blinds that are exactly right for you. Banbridge locals find our products much easier to use and maintain than heavy curtains. We are pleased you stopped by. We love the subject and can go on for hours and hours. You can probably tell.